Dr. Ramin Abbasian MD Pain Management Phoenix Arizona
Interventional Pain Management Treatments For Motor Vehicle Collision Injuries Near Phoenix AZ Have you or a loved one been involved in a car collision? We are here to help you! Call Us Now for an Appointment Today! 602-313-0128

Why You Absolutely Should See A Medical Doctor Following A Motor Vehicle Collision in Phoenix Arizona
Our Phoenix AZ Automobile Accident medical physicians are experienced in detecting injuries that are a result of automobile accidents, whether they are extreme or moderate. Our Medical Physicians are also trained to seek out hidden injuries that many medical doctors and Emergency room doctors do not look for. It is essential that you have a trained Collision Medical Doctor examine you and your loved ones immediately after a motor vehicle collision to document if your injuries are significant and to prescribe you the chiropractic management crucial for the proper correction of your underlying injuries. More often than not, most car accident victims are unaware of the severity of their injuries. Seeking proper medical care is critical in the initial few days after the collision. Sadly insurance companies are notorious for rejecting automobile crash claims if the victim did not contact a medical doctor that focusses on vehicle collision treatment within the initial 2 weeks following the accident.
Who Else Wants To Know The Absolute Critical Steps You Should Take Even If You Don't Feel Pain Following A Car Crash In Phoenix 85053
Even if you do not experience any type of discomfort or pain after the automobile crash, it is necessary that you undergo a spinal injury examination. The Chiropractors and Medical Doctors at phoenixcaraccident.com consider it critical to actually have an examination performed by a doctor whose medical training focuses on whiplash and other spinal conditions such as spinal ligament damage that arise from a car and/or truck accident. Whiplash is a very significant injury that may not have immediate signs and symptoms. Whiplash injuries, in some cases occur with a really small crash or collision impact. When the body is instantly forced into a sudden flexion and extension state, as takes place during an impact from the back of your vehicle, the muscle mass of the neck and the entire back more than likely will have suffered micro tears or little tears in the muscle tissues. These micro traumas may or may not trigger symptoms of neck and even back pain immediately. Actually, these symptoms might not show for months and even years. Typically if this delay of symptoms occurs you may not relate your symptoms to the collision. If left unmanaged, these mini tears in all medical certainty will cause scar tissue in the traumatically injured muscles which in turn causes degeneration and arthritis in the joints of the neck and spine. Our Phoenix Az crash injury chiropractors will examine your spinal column for injury and dysfunction such as decreased motion of your neck, back, shoulders and various other affected body regions to determine if an injury occurred. Don't take a chance with your health and wellness. Call our chiropractic and medical doctors even if you do not have any back or neck pain following a car crash or collision. Don't Be A Crash Dummy!!
Our Medical Doctors Only Treat The Root Cause Of Your Pain & Suffering from Your Car Accident in near by Phoenix AZ
Any and all medications you have been prescribed are designed to relieve only the signs and symptoms of collision accident related injuries. All medications only help to relax muscles or decrease pain. However they are absolutely useless for management of your underlying injuries, which are the exact reason you have symptoms of muscle pain and stiffness without co management by a Chiropractic Physician. Our collision medical doctors specifically focus their examination protocols on the underlying architectural damages such as a misaligned vertebrae and injured soft tissue such as muscles, tendons and ligaments.
Our Medical Doctors treat only the root cause of your pain and symptoms. Our Interventional Pain Management doctors look to the specific area that is the root cause of your pain and specifically placed injection of medication right to the area causing your symptoms. Makes sense doesn't it? Instead of prescribing oral pain meds they go right after the culprit and inject pain relieving substances and medications to wipe out your pain.
Our Phoenix pain management physicians always work in concert with your collision chiropractor so you are getting the best of both worlds. This is good for you and the documentation in records shows you are seeking the most pain relieving path by combining Chiropractic and Medical pain management.
Do Your Phoenix Arizona Car Accident Medical Doctors Accept Attorney Liens in Phoenix Arizona?
Absolutely that's just one of the major advantages of using the medical physicians listed on this web site since they all accept car crash cases on a lien. That way you can get the medical attention you need and don't have to worry about getting the bills paid until your case settles.
How Long Will I Have To Commit To My Collision Injury Medical Treatment?
Each and every case is different depending on the circumstances of your vehicular crash and the specific injuries you sustained. Our Phoenix AZ 85032 car crash medical physicians will work hand in hand with your attorney and chiropractor to determine the best and most efficient course of your chiropractic treatment and medical management considering the injuries you incurred as a result of your collision. Most of the time, your medical management will be less frequent than your chiropractic management. If your chiropractor determines that you are not responding to conservative care he will make a referral to one of our specially trained interventional pain management doctors to help. So you might see the medical doctor 3 to 4 times for medical management of yur injuries at the same time you be receiving Chiropractic management. Our Medical doctors and Chiropractors always discuss your treatment procedures and make sure all your medical records are in one main or centralized file.
Here's Why Attorneys Love Working With Our City of North Phoenix Medical Physicians.
The doctors of Chiropractic and Medical physicians phoenix car accident have taken an oath to work together to bring the best possible medical and chiropractic solution to the victims of motor vehicle crashes in Phoenix Arizona . Our doctor have agreed set aside the antiquated philosophical differences in their respective fields and to work together in unison to benefit you the accident victim. Our mutual philosophy is to provide what is best for you the accident victim and deliver patient based injury healthcare.
This is exactly why your City of North Phoenix accident injury attorney will love to work with us because both the medical doctor and chiropractor are on the same page in providing you the treatment you need as well as to provide your car crash attorney the necessary and crucial documentation of your collision related injuries.
What type Of Medical Treatment Do Your Phoenix Arizona Pain Doctors Deliver?
Typically if you are not responding as originally thought by your accident injury chiropractic medical team you more than likely need one or more of the following.
Trigger point injection (TPI) may be an option for treating pain in some patients. TPI is a procedure used to treat painful areas of muscle that contain trigger points, or knots of muscle that form when muscles do not relax. Many times, such knots can be felt under the skin. Trigger points may irritate the nerves around them and cause referred pain, or pain that is felt in another part of the body.
Epidural steroid injections are a frequently used treatment for chronic pain syndromes, especially if a person suffers with radicular pain which means arm pain if the neck is the source of pain and leg pain if the source of pain is emanating from the lower back or Lumbar region and this is called radiculopathy?
Radiculopathy is a condition due to a compressed nerve in the spine that can cause pain, numbness, tingling, or weakness along the course of the nerve. Radiculopathy can occur in any part of the spine, but it is most common in the lower back (lumbar radiculopathy) and in the neck (cervical radiculopathy). It is less commonly found in the middle portion of the spine (thoracic radiculopathy).
Typically interventional pain management delivers injectable pain relieving medication right into the joints involved, instead of prescribing oral medication. If your managing doctor of chiropractic decides that a specific joint in your body or spine is not responding to conservative care he will refer you for pain management. The pain management doctor would then examine your specific area of complaint and determine if you would do well with a joint injection. Many times other joints besides the spine need a specific course of medical management like your wrists, elbows or ankles. These joints are typically injured when a potential accident victim sees the oncoming collision and naturally reacts to brace for the impact. Although this is a natural human reaction you can see how your wrists, elbows and even your ankles could get injured.
When dealing with spinal injuries that are not responding as expected your phoenix collision pain management specialist will focus his or her attention on the specific joint or joints of the spine. These joints are also injected with pain relieving medications and are called facet joint injections.

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Ramin Abbasian MD Interventional Pain Management Specialist
Contact Us
Phone: 602-313-0128Address: 16620 N 40th Street Unit D1, Phoenix Arizona 85032
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Business Hours
Mon: 8.00am-5.00pm
Tue:Â 8.00am-5.00pm
Wed: 8.00am-5.00pm
Thu: 8.00am-5.00pm
Fri:Â 8.00am-5.00pm
Sat: Closed
Sun: Closed